This Is The Real Reason Rose McGowan Was Canceled Not By Hollywood, But By Fans

Rose McGowan was born in Florence, Italy, and grew up in a fairly creative family. Her father was an artist, while her mother was a writer, which opened many career opportunities for McGowan. At a young age, she became a child model thanks to her father's connections. However, at the young age of fifteen, after

Rose McGowan was born in Florence, Italy, and grew up in a fairly creative family. Her father was an artist, while her mother was a writer, which opened many career opportunities for McGowan. At a young age, she became a child model thanks to her father's connections. However, at the young age of fifteen, after her parents divorced, the young actress moved to Los Angeles by herself.

She is now best known for her roles in Charmed, Scream, Grindhouse, and The Doom Generation, Rose McGowan rose to fame in the early 1990s. She has appeared in several shows and films and has also won an award for Best Debut Performance. But after gaining wider recognition in Charmed, McGowan fell off the map. It turns out Hollywood didn't drop the actress; instead, fans took issue with her.

Rose McGowan Has Had A Controversial Past

Since rising to fame in the early 1990s, Rose McGowan has found herself in some controversial feuds with other celebrities. One of McGowan's most notable feuds is with one of her Charmed co-stars, Milano.

The two became divided over time over their seemingly opposing political views, which were showcased when McGowan critiqued both Milano and the Democratic party.

She also claimed that Milano made the atmosphere on the set of Charmed 'Toxic AF' in a cryptic Twitter post, where the two were seen publicly squabbling with one another over their personal and political beliefs.

Alongside this ongoing feud, McGowan has also previously 'fired shots' at Oprah publicly.

On Twitter, she wrote the following statement: "I am glad more are seeing the ugly truth of @Oprah. I wish she were real, but she isn’t. From being pals with Weinstein to abandoning & destroying Russell Simmon’s victims, she is about supporting a sick power structure for personal gain, she is as fake as they come."

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While this understandably caused some controversy, there were also many fans who jumped to McGowan's support, chiming in to agree with her statement and echo similar sentiments.

However, despite the bold statement, Oprah never directly responded to the cryptic tweet, defusing any possible drama that could possibly ignite from the situation.

However, while fans have agreed with the controversial actress on occasion, it seems that many of her critical comments and statements over the years have slowly changed people's minds.

So, what exactly happened for such a thing to happen?

Some Fans Haven't Been Happy With Rose's Attitude

Alongside this feud, McGowan has also made a string of other controversial statements over the course of her career.

However, it was her comments regarding the Me Too Movement and women's rights that seemed to be the icing on the cake for many members of the public, further adding to her controversial reputation.

An interview published by The Sunday Times saw McGowan make what some thought was a questionable statement, stating that 'Hollywood's battle against sexual assault in the entertainment industry is only skin-deep,' labeling the #MeToo movement as "bull-(expletive)".

The article also added that McGowan stated that she felt 'left out of the survivors' community and brunches', despite being one of the most 'outspoken members'.

She then proceeded to say: “I just think they’re [expletive]. They’re not champions. I just think they’re losers. I don’t like them.”

Of course, this caused many supporters of the cause to go into an uproar. However, the actress later defended herself by stating: "I never said #MeToo is a lie. Ever. I was talking about Hollywood and Time’s Up, not #MeToo."

Yet that wasn't the actress' only publicly controversial moment. Her other political views have also been met with many questions and even backlash from the public, with many questioning her political stance.

Some have even labeled her a 'hypocrite', due to the fact that she openly supports Trump, who has been accused of sexual assault and harassment, similar to Weinstein.

RELATED: Here's How Much Rose McGowan Has Changed Since Charmed

Many of her supporters were understandably upset when she also endorsed Larry Elder for Governor of California, as he has been previously accused of domestic abuse. This has led to many fans, as earlier mentioned, believing that the actress is extremely hypocritical, as she was one of the main advocates for the #MeToo movement.

This is just one of the reasons why many of her supporters have begun to question her. She has also previously caused a stir among the LBGTQ community, stating that activists 'don’t do enough to help the cause of women’s rights'.

RELATED: Fans Think Rose McGowan's 'Knock Down The Power Structure' Incites Violence

So, aside from being blacklisted from Hollywood, it seems that Rose McGowan has also been 'canceled' by a segment of her fans also.

However, it seems as though she still has many loyal followers in her wake, despite some of her questionable statements.

